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The Big Move + Link Love

Lately Around here

Well, well, well.  I moved into our new house! I can’t tell you how happy I am to be on the other side of this weekend, because although it was an exciting time,  it was also a trying one.  The waves of emotions were overwhelming at times (still are) but I know it’s just part of the process when you move.

It was really cool though, too.  We’ve been pouring our hearts into getting the house ready to live in ( it’s not a fixer upper, thank GOD) and it’s nice to actually be in the space, even though it’s not completely done.  I can feel the shift of energy,  from living in one place compared to another–it’s like shedding an old coat and putting on a new one.  I’m really, really excited for my new coat.

If there’s one thing I realized throughout this process, is that it’s important to recognize change as you go through it.  The transitions are such an important part of who we are, why are we always rushing through them?  Probably because it can be scary and overwhelming and no one likes to feel those things.  But change can also be fun and hopeful.  And recognizing your own growth, your own expansion, can be so liberating and strengthening!  So I’m going to try to look at any kind of transition through that lens from  now on–it makes getting to the other side much easier.

Here are a few snaps of the weekend:

One last shot in my old apartment–It was bittersweet to leave but I’m excited for what’s next.

moving selfie

Here’s a peek at the garage after moving to the new house (and some of the mountains of boxes).

garage mess

We got the couch set up in the den, but yep, the kitchen is still a disaster.


The Living Room is coming together.  We still need a rug and some other accents…

Living Room

And after the long day of moving, Chris’s expression says it all.

chris on couch

 I know once we’re unpacked and settled in, it’s going to be great.

Link Love

Some of my favorite links around the web this week:

I like this theory on treating people with kindness.

So simple and so true: A Guide to Restoring Your Preschool Creativity Levels.

10 Promises You Must Make To Yourself

In honor of Maya Angelou: 9 of her inspiring poems.

Be like a hermit crab: find the shell that fits.




The Big Move + Link Love2018-03-29T20:23:16-04:00

House Construction + Weekly Links

Lately Around here

Chris closed on a house Friday so that means I closed on a house Friday, too!  We have some basic improvements to make before moving in, no major construction thank GOD (just putting up molding, painting, etc) but I wanted to post a few ‘before’ shots.  And I promise I will try not to become one of those home improvement blogs.  They are so fascinating to me, but man!  When do they have the time to do all of that?  And document it?  Sounds so overwhelming.

So here’s the living room, you can see the paint samples we were deciding between.  How do you pick?  There are about a zillion greys + tans + taupes + greiges to pick from.  And never mind that we are painting over a *ahem* lovely shade of mauve.


There was a little hangover wall between the kitchen and the den that we took down. (And don’t you just love the wallpaper in the kitchen?! Ugh.)


After taking it down, you can see it really opens up the two rooms.  I can’t wait to see the finished product. (Hi Chris!)

Den after

And out on the back deck we have some visitors–three babies and a protective mama.  I felt like that was a good omen they are there, I’ll be sad when they leave.  I love watching the mama bring them worms all day!

bird family

I saw this caterpillar on the ground yesterday and it reminded me of a saying my mom always used to say–“Inch by inch, life’s a cinch.  By the yard, it’s hard.”  As I’m going through all of these changes, I’m trying to remember that simple mantra, to take life by the inch.


Link Love

Some of my favorite links around the web this week:

The secret to being insanely creative.

There’s actually real science behind why creativity can make you happier!

Just be yourself!  What that means and 3 ways to do it.

11 Things Famous Artists And Cultural Figures Can Teach You About Creativity

How do I get rid of the fear?  Ask yourself a different question.





House Construction + Weekly Links2018-03-29T20:23:16-04:00
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