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I Got Married.

wedding kiss

I’ve been a little MIA on here, but I have a good reason…

On May 16th I married a kind-hearted and generous man, who is the love of my life. The morning started with a rain shower, but ultimately, the day was perfect.  It was something I had always dreamed of–not the actual wedding, but marrying someone I loved with every ounce of my being.

It was a dream I held close to my heart but as time went on, I wasn’t sure it was going to happen.  It felt like maybe that feeling, that sort of life, was for other people–not me.  I was getting older, the odds began to feel like they were stacked against me.

Still, I kept my heart open. I knew that if I had faith and stayed true to myself, I would end up in the right spot. And that, I did.

That’s when I found Chris.  Thanks to chance, good timing and my big mouth, three years ago we were set up on a blind date.  From the very beginning we both played no games and put it all out there–who we were, what we wanted + why.  I’m not saying we didn’t hit some bumps along the way, (because we did) but we came together as two complete people looking to share ourselves.  It was invigorating.

So if you’re out there still searching for love, please don’t ever give up hope; it’s never too late and there is always time. You, as much as anyone else, deserve love unconditionally.

I promise this kind of love, the take-your-breath-away-is-this-really-happening kind,  is waiting for you too.






I Got Married.2018-03-29T20:23:10-04:00

Fall In Love With Your Life Right Now.

Want to live the life you've always dreamed about? Click through to read how to do just that.

I remember when I was in seventh grade, I thought that 26 sounded so old!  Back then I was all about leg warmers, basketball + what book I was going to read next.  I figured by 26, I’d be married with a kid or two, but it seemed like a lifetime away.  I never gave a lot of thought to the how or whys of my life, I just trusted that eventually things would happen.

Fast forward to today:  I didn’t get married until I was 41 and had my first baby at 42.  It wasn’t the plan I had, but I couldn’t be happier.  How did I get here?

It was when I was single, living in a great rent-controlled apartment in a hipster town, surrounded by some amazing people, that I really made some big personal moves.   Because when I moved there, I decided I was going to love the hell out of my life for whatever was happening in the moment; I took advantage of every new, fun opportunity I could.  My friends were active with different causes + interests and I grew so, so much during this time.

I started painting and exploring the artistic side that I always tampered down.  In the past, I had looked at it like it wasn’t practical–that I wasn’t good enough to be taken seriously as an artist or that it wasn’t going to earn me enough money to be legit.  I threw that way of thinking out the window and started creating with reckless abandon.

I felt a shift happening in my heart.  I decided to love the crap out of my relationships during this time, too–friendships, family members, acquaintances + even strangers.  Everyone had a story to tell and there was a reason they were in my life; I wanted to know why.  I silently sent them a blessing for crossing my path and for bringing me a message, whatever it was.

From being so open and accepting, I realized that I had become the happiest I had been in a while; I was enjoying my life as is.  

I let go of the expectations + pressures that I, or others had set for me.  I took a deep dive off of the who-cares-what-people-think board and swam in the sea of self acceptance.  And my life started to bloom in a way I never experienced before.

fall in love manyI learned so much from this time: that moments are fleeting and I need to drink it all in as much as possible.  I also learned that if I want more of something in particular in my life, I needed to focus on and appreciate what was already working.  Loving my life in any given moment was the best way to create the life I wanted in the future.  Abundance happens in my life when I appreciate what is.

I realized my life had been built one block on top of another, not in one flash of a lightning bolt; becoming who I am takes time.

Some days I reflect on those junior high projections and think, what if that picture at 26 actually happened?  I might have missed the travelling I did after college, maybe I would have handled the death of my mother differently, or stayed in higher education instead of following the true yearnings of my artistic path.  I might not have experienced a lot of those growth moments had I married younger, before I learned to be more myself.

All of the twists and turns that got me to this point were worth it.  I realized that all I had to do to find the life I dreamed about?  Was to fall in love with the one I was living.





Fall In Love With Your Life Right Now.2018-03-29T20:23:11-04:00
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