5 Easy Ways To Get Inspired {I use all of these!}

get inspired organization techniques

When I started painting, I realized that inspiration doesn’t have to be such an elusive thing.  A lot of times I would ‘wait’ for inspiration; I felt like there had to be the moment that inspiration strikes in order to create; but now I know that’s not true.

Inspiration doesn’t have to be something I chase down.  There are so many ways to create an environment where I can pull that creativity from the deep part of me that is looking to be expressed.  I just have to remember to actually use these handy tricks!

Here are some ways I get inspired, and maybe you can use these tips, too:

1. Make a gratitude list.

The best way I get my wheels turning in the right direction is to look at what is working.  I try to think about what I’m totally psyched about, what is really getting me excited these days + I write those things down feverishly in a simple list.  And these things can change from day to day so I put the list in a place I see a lot (usually on my to-do for the day) to remind me that I have a lot to be happy about.  So simple, right?  It really works.

2. Create a vision board or an inspiration board on Pinterest.

I find that the visual aspect of things has such a big impact on my mood, especially when I want to create new art.  Vision boards are something I’ve always used–collaging pictures and words onto poster board, beckoning those things into my reality (law of attraction anyone?)  They’re easy to make and a great reminder to display in any creative space.  Recently, I have found Pinterest to be such a cool alternative–it’s like an electronic vision board that I can pin things to from around the web.  Here’s my inspiration board if you want to follow along with me on my pinning journey.

3. Watch a Ted Talk on a favorite topic.  

Ted talks are a total mini pick me up.  They’re all 20 minutes or less, so it’s just enough to get the message across without getting boring. #winning  Here are a few good ones that I like:

4. Read a snippet of a great book

I love books I can just pick up and read a little of without diving into the entire thing.  Some good ones I use are:

5. Listen to some great tunes.  

I firmly believe in having a few theme songs–one that gets me going in the morning, one that pumps me up when we need a boost + one that calms me down when I need a hug.  I have too many to list, but here are a few:

Such simple ideas, right?  But using these tools each time I need a little inspiration has made all of the difference.  I hope they help you, too–happy creating!





*This post contains affiliate links, which means that I may get a commission if you decide to purchase anything from the links but I only recommend products that I use + love myself.