Testing Your Limits, Getting Clear, Handling Change + The Holidays: The November Wrap-Up

Testing Your Limits vs. Honoring Them. {What Bootcamp Taught Me.}

Last week I was coerced by the manager of my gym to try a new group workout; it was a bootcamp of sorts but with less people and it was run by a personal trainer.  My workout routine is pretty predictable, so trying this class was a wild departure for me.

Just to set the record straight–I love a good workout.  I love to sweat out the day’s stress and feel that physical tiredness.  So, even though I wanted to be excited for my adventurous workout choice, my internal dialogue sounded like this: “This is a bad idea, I don’t do well in these classes!  I’ll feel so uncoordinated and awkward, I’m probably going to hurt myself”….