Link Love and My Thyroid Workshop

Hey there!  I had a great weekend because I gave a workshop (with my friend Lauren) on how to heal the thyroid naturally.  She’s a trained health coach too, and we got to talking one day about our own thyroid issues and well, the workshop seemed like a great way to spread the news about all of the cool natural remedies we came across in our own personal research.  There’s nothing more rewarding than creating something helpful for others!

Thyroid Workshop

We had a talkative crowd and everyone seemed to leave with some good ideas about how to heal/nurture their own thyroid.


The lovely, glowing Lauren.


I ended the day with a tasty dinner at goodkarma with some sweet friends.  I got the pineapple mango tempeh–it was delish!

Good Karma

Link Love

Some of my favorites around the web for this week…

Scott Dinsmore hits it out of the park with this Ted talk on finding and doing the work you love.

“Put your A** where your heart wants to be!”  Hell yeah, Steven Pressfield.

Need to get more organized?  Lifelogging apps that can help you keep track of things.

 Brave, intuitive painting with Flora Bowley.

The right to an education is assumed in the US, but a girl fought for this right in Pakistan and got shot.  Read more about why she’s the bravest girl in the world.
